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2020 | Cyanotype on Paper | 2 Pieces | 19x120cm 

The cyanotype process is one of the first non-silver technologies used to generate photographic images, using two chemicals: ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide. Supporting the principle of photochemistry, after the photosensitive solutions exposed to different degrees of sunlight, it forms varieties of the color blue. For the opaque parts, the photosensitive solutions without sunlight illumination are washed away by water and produce a white color image.
Blueprinting usually applied to paper. The 14 pieces works show the front and back of the blueprint paper, interpret the discoveries I found in blueprints. Series 1 (the upper roll) measures the possibility of the color spectrum in blueprints instead of the traditional blue aesthetics. Series 2 (the lower roll) manifests the blueprints as a medium for photocopying, become a painting tool haphazardly. The front images are realistic and concrete while the back pictures are freehand and abstract, narrate the indispensable relationship between photography and painting.

Two Sides

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